Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Want better sex ? Travel more with

A new survey suggests that substituting boarding passes for roses or jewelry could improve couples' sex lives
Couples who travel together report more intimacy and romance.

If the fallout from Valentine’s Day is hitting you hard, maybe it’s time to take that special vacation you’ve been planning.
According to a new Valentine's survey commissioned by the U.S. Travel Association, traveling together will improve a couple's sex life.

And not just during the travel period -- the survey found that the romance and better sex enjoyed during travel lasts long after the trip is over.

“Couples who travel together are significantly more likely to report that their relationship is more romantic, more intimate and more balanced,” Roger Dow, president and CEO of the U.S. Travel Association, said in news release.

For the survey, Edge Research interviewed 1,100 adults. Some 72 percent of the couples said travel inspires romance, and 63 percent said a weekend getaway is more romantic than receiving large or small gifts.

Approximately 77 percent of respondents who traveled with a significant other reported a good sex life, compared with 63 percent of couples who don't travel as a couple.

“Couples who travel together feel closer to one another and are more likely to report that they are best friends,” said Dow.

To that we say: awww …Sex !

Do you agree with the survey results? Has travel improved your sex life? Let us know in the comments.

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